Friday, July 11, 2008

Tourism in Toronto

Last week's issue of NOW Magazine had a great article on the lack of interesting or relevant tourist attractions and tours in Toronto. It's all about those ubiquitous double decker and hippo buses you see around town, and how they avoid the real culture(s) and lifestyle(s) of the Torontonian. I really agree with their suggestions to enforce a tour-guide licencing program, if only to improve our image. Tourists can be annoying, with their fanny packs and wonder at the marvel of tall buildings. However, they bring income to the city and we should be giving them a better experience. You can read the whole article here.

This week, NOW published this letter:

"Hogtown a hick town

As the owner of a new attraction in downtown Toronto that receives rave reviews from foreign vis­i­tors, I must say it is no surprise that people call our city boring. Toronto does everything in its power to ensure that no new attraction will succeed in the core. Traffic cops, like vul­tures, wait outside my shop to hand out $30 tickets just to assure my customers that they are not welcome. Their message is loud and clear: stay in the burbs, where parking is free. Add to this the generous 48-hour notice I was given about film­ing out front on Canada Day. Why bother to even mention the arrogance of the film company, or com­pensation for business interrup­tion? They tell you by their arrogance they know what they are dealing with – a hick town. And the way we’re going, that will never change."
Lawrence Rotenberg

This just pissed me off. Did he not get the point of the article at all? To improve our city's tourist experience, we need people who love, understand, and are knowledgeable about Toronto. The letter struck me as ranting, blaming, and just plain idiotic - he's trying to run an "attraction" representing a city he doesn't even respect or have pride in?

For the record, a google search turned up that Mr. Rotenberg owns gelato shop Solferino, on Wellington. I was never a huge fan (I find them overpriced and inferior to La Paloma on St. Clair and Dolce on College) but I won't go again regardless.

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