Summerlicious is a gift to those of us who are culturally aware (or just plain foodies) but not able to spring for the city's high-end spots except on special occasions. Prix Fixe, 3 course menus are available for 15-20 for lunch, and 25-35 for dinner (drinks and taxes not included).
Some restaurants really put an effort into showcasing the best their kitchen has to offer. They know Summerlicious is a great tool to bring new clientele back again and again. However, have you ever noticed that some well-established kitchens seem to not try at all? Often, the biggest names on the list have the most disappointing menus. Check out the entire menu listings online here.
Thumbs Up:
- Brassaii's menu looks well-rounded and yummy. Classics with some creativity, plus they have fun parties on the patio afterwards if you can book for a Thursday or Saturday.
-Bymark, for including their beloved classics (the famous Bymark Burger and banana cream tart) for the masses.
-Czehoski really understood the task and included a great selection of dishes that really represent their creative but masculine Polish-inspired style.
-Fred's Not Here, for outings with the fam or big groups. Cheap, and varied menu with something for everyone.
- Greg Couillard's Spice Room, for quality selections true to their big-flavours style.
- Lai Toh Heen - Lobster and Lamb!!
-Spice Route - try out this brand new, gorgeous Asian hotspot for $25
-Trevor Kitchen and Bar - guaranteed to be amazingly tasty, and the menu includes the recent trend of suckling pig.
-Starfish - dine on fresh oysters, quail with bleu cheese fondue, trendy pork belly, or haute fish and chips (currently making a comeback)
Not worth it:
-Across The Road, for cheapie mains like liver, chicken, and flat iron steak, and at the highest price point.
-Cajú. Boring and uninspired considering this restaurant's usually interesting Brazilian card.
-Drake's is a little boring this year, considering how much their food has improved and how reasonably priced it often is any day.
-Kit Kat - boring, cheap cuts, not appetizing. This entire restaurant row on King near the theatres seems to be all tourist traps.
-Maro totally cheaped out (chicken noodle soup? Chicken and baked beans?) at the highest price point. Plus, I am months-over the scene there at night. Mostly suburban, as there is ample parking.
-Truffles at the Four Seasons. Why bother participating? Cheap menu that is nothing like their regular card.
-Paese also used the cheapest ingredients possible, but at least they kept the price at $25.
The following may be tasty, but are *very* cheap for restaurants to produce:
- Soups like minestrone (really anything with beans) or onion or tomato
- Cheap steak cuts like skirt or flat-iron or flank
-Pork medallions
- Leafy greens like spinach or rapini
- Rice
I do enjoy each and every of these things, but it disappoints me when a Summerlicious menu consists of nothing but, especially at the $35 mark. I understand that the price is low, but I want to see what the kitchen would have to offer me as a regular customer. Plus, the better menus get so many bookings, it's often worth it.
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